How to do Digital Marketing Research like a Pro

The idea of conducting Digital Marketing Research can be intimidating.

What use does it serve to gather streams of data and compile it into reports? Research is a specialised field, right? Isn’t there enough I already know?

Despite your reservations about conducting Digital Marketing Research, you must always complete it.

There is no getting around the requirement to conduct research. Simply put, it’s the only way to develop a digital marketing strategy, a product, or a service that will appeal to your target market.

Furthermore, although successful Digital Marketing Research always has a high degree of control, it is not some immutable scientific practise. Actually, you’ve probably done some informal research without even realising it.

Have you ever spent time watching your target demographic? Do you understand their worries and hopes? Do you know what their buying process entails?

If you said “yes” to any of these queries, you have already gathered some valuable information. And this is just the start.

What Is Digital Marketing Research?

What is Digital Marketing Research if not a sophisticated practise? Digital Marketing Research is essentially the process of gathering data.

Digital Marketing Research encompasses even something as straightforward as people-watching. The same goes for gathering information through surveys, web forms, and business databases.

Understanding your chosen target audience better is the goal of any market research project.

You’ll discover what makes your target audience laugh and upset, as well as how they respond to advertising the best. Furthermore, you’ll be the first to notice any changes in their preferences and whether your product needs to be modified as a result.

Compared to typical consumer research, Digital Marketing Research goes a little further because it also offers information into your sector. To provide you a picture of your market, market research includes both customer and rival study.

Exactly why is Digital Marketing Research so important?


You are given the gift of insight by Digital Marketing Research.

You can foresee the big things, like your competitor’s next move and your customers’ behaviour, if you have a trustworthy database of knowledge.

You can only make assumptions about the outside world if you don’t conduct market research.

Assumptions are an unreliable source of knowledge since they are unsupported by data and frequently contain personal prejudices.

That’s accurate. When it comes to your marketing efforts, you should never make an assumption, even though you might in other areas of your life.

Market research is crucial because it offers a way to objectivity and a source of information that can be used by everyone in your firm.

Market Research Methods


Generally speaking, there are two types of market research. These research methods are primary and secondary. If this is starting to seem technical, bear with us. The two have a clear distinction between them.

The term “primary research” refers to any information that you look for on your own. It’s the process of gaining fresh perspective through your actions.

You can use resources like:

Google Surveys, YouGov, Ping Pong, Hotjar

Secondary research draws on trustworthy, pre-existing sources. In this case, even though you still get the data personally, you are not concerned with your methods, ethics, or elaborate plans to acquire it.

As you might expect, getting at secondary data is frequently quicker and simpler.

The good news is that finding it online is now comparatively simple.

These are all online resources, but they all come from reputable companies. When gathering data online, you should use caution to ensure that the sources of your statistics, such as a government source, are reliable.

These dependable secondary sources are a fantastic place to start.

Secondary research might also be obtained through internal resources that your business already has. These comprise your sales data, customer database information, and other historical information.

However, to succeed, the ideal market research mix combines both primary and secondary research.

Your competitive edge comes from learning something novel about your clients or the market. Additionally, it aids with growth by taking into account both current and potential clients.

In this way, secondary research can provide you with some excellent background information to help you decide what kind of primary research you should conduct next.

There are many types of primary research, including:

Public Opinion Polls 
The focus groups
Competitive Research 
Customer Research
Employee Analysis

Knowing what you want to accomplish can help you choose the best research strategy. Do you want to put your marketing theories to the test? Do you have to stay one step ahead of your main rivals? Is it time to focus on a different customer group? Or are you looking for a fresh trend?

In any case, developing a response will be aided by completing pertinent research and employing available information.

Step-by-Step Method to do Digital Market Research

There is a straightforward formula for Digital market research, regardless of whether you’re interested in the opinions of your clients, the perceptions of your staff, or the intentions of your rivals.

Simply ask yourself the following six questions to get started:

What do I seek to learn? Always begin with the study’s objectives. This will help you focus and make sure that you’re conducting the right kind of research. If you skip this step, your reports will contain reams of data that nobody will likely read. Select a research question that can help you solve a current issue.

For instance, your research query should be: Which digital marketing channel is best for our audience? if your issue is not knowing which digital marketing channel to use.

Which information can I quickly access? You should take it gradually when conducting market research, especially if you’re just getting started. Examine the secondary sources you have at your disposal first. For instance, you could go at account data to determine which section is most profitable if you’re trying to narrow down your target market.

What can I do to locate fresh data? It’s time to take this seriously now. Put on your fictitious lab coat and choose the principal research technique you’ll use. There is no right or incorrect response to this question, so don’t be alarmed.

Any principal approach is acceptable; typically, the approach that makes the most sense. Conduct a competitive analysis to learn more about your rivals. Consider speaking with your sales representatives or convening a focus group of recent customers if you want to discover more about the concerns of your buyers.

What does the data indicate to me? Do not hurriedly scribble down your facts or present it in an attractive manner in a report. Keep your research for a little while longer so you can analyze it. It might be a good idea to filter your study, depending on the scope of your data. Do people of different ages, genders, or geographic places think differently?

Don’t always accept the easy solution when conducting research; try to identify the worth in it.

What should I do in light of this? It’s time to choose a course of action after you’ve finished your analysis. Did you discover you’re aiming at the incorrect group of people? It’s time to adjust your attention. Are you in danger of getting left behind by your rivals? If so, be creative. Is there a prevalent issue that discourages individuals from buying? Fix it.

How should I inform others? The attractive report that comes to mind when “data” or “research” is mentioned should be the final stage. Relaying the same information to people who matter is what is done in this situation.

They might be your employer, but they might also be your workers. The solution is occasionally to write a report. Big ideas from big data are frequently better communicated by producing a project brief, putting together a presentation, or creating training materials.

The six steps of market research are as follows:

  1. Select a research goal.
  2. Collect data from supplementary sources.
  3. Carry out primary research.
    Review your data.
  4. Take the proper action.
  5. Get the word out.


Digital Marketing Research is an important step before rolling out a digital marketing campaign fully. A renowned and experienced digital marketing agency like Arihant Global can help you do the Digital Marketing Research and furher formulate a digital marketing plan and execute it. Feel free to contact us.
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